
My first day "approaching".

I approached three sets today. One was a two-set with two decent looking latinas, the rest were all by their lonesomes, and for all intents and purposes, UGs.

Let's start with the beginning. I've been reading "The Game", and I noticed a Ross Jeffries approach anxiety tip: go up to a girl and simply say, "Hi, I'm Mannie the Martian, What is your favorite flavor of bowling ball?".

I was attracted to none of them. I have this mindset that if I approach a HB and blow it, that there won't be loads more, which there clearly is. I feel that by failing now, I will limit my success later by "saturating the market" with my failure. I seriously need to work on my inner game. Even approaching the UGs was hard, and made me incredibly nervous. I noticed however, the first girl I approached was the hardest, despite the fact the rest of the girls were at least somewhat prettier than her. When my mindset was about getting over the approach, and not her number, or her snatch, it was much easier.

The first girl actually seemed interested though, and though her response was decidedly lackluster, "I don't have a favorite", I felt like she was open-minded about the whole thing. The second was not. Her response was exactly the same, but she finished it with a "Look, I need to finish this assignment before class...blahblahblah." Which was clearly a blow off. She didn't even look up from her "assignment" when I spoke to her. It wasn't as devastating as I thought it would be. Easy even. No dents on either approach.

The last was a two-set. Neither was a girl I would inherently want to make out with, but I reminded myself that's not what it's about. I was stupid. I approached from directly behind them, said my piece. They seemed stunned, couldn't even answer, the girl on the right was giving me a strange look, while the girl on the left was almost intrigued. I asked if she preferred grape or watermelon, and gladly chirped grape. I ran out of material at this point (and the other girl was almost snarling), so I excused myself and left.

Can I consider this a success? I think so, I made more cold approaches today than I have in four cumulative years. Can you believe that? I'm enthused from today, and worried about girls telling each other how downright crazy I am. God, I'm scared to think about it.

Well, 'til next time.


1 comment:

notyourdad said...

Psycho, I stumbled upon your post and felt your pain. Just wanted to offer any help I could. I'm not a PUA, but was trained in counseling and guidance. Back when I was 19 the book was called SCOREMANSHIP that everybody read that wanted to get laid. Somehow I stumbled through laying about 53 women and being in love about 5 times before getting married, and all without any real method at all. I have a daughter, but I doubt if she will listen to me about what "boys" will do just to be next to her. I was as selfish as they come, just wanted sex, didn't really care about most of them, and can't remember even names of some of them. Although the PUA world is interesting, especially when you are in an unhappy marriage, I kind of feel sorry for the people involved, even the masters. What happens is, if you are successful you will become a "better dealer," meaning you will always be searching for a better woman than you have, and will never be able to settle down and really be happy. I passed by a lot of nice girls that probably would have made good wives. I hope you don't do that. Remember, every woman you approach is a person. A human being. She can be hurt. And you can too. So anyway, if you want to reach me and talk about what you are going through you can email me direct at wbsouth@aol.com
I'm reminded of a quote from college days. "Nothing can stop a man from doing wrong as long as he is making progress." You may be making some progress toward becoming a PUA... but will becoming a PUA make you any more than temporarily happy. You may say that temporarily happy is better than nothing at all. But seeking temporary happiness sometimes becomes addictive... and then it is very hard to ever settle down, even with a good woman. You probably can't talk to your dad about this... but you can to me if you like. I've never had a son and always wanted one. Wish my dad had talked to me... but he was a better dealer too. So anyway... best wishes. W.