
The Beginning

I'm horrible at girls. Just awful.

I plan to change. I plan to use "PUA" techniques and theory to see where it takes me. Hopefully into a lot of beds (if you know what I mean).

The format of this blog is simple: I awkwardly approach girls, and then I write about how miserably I did. I'll tell my adventures of a AFC on his way to becoming a Master.

I'd just like to take this opportunity to put it out there: I'm a virgin. I've never had a girlfriend. My kissing experience is minimal. I've only really asked out one girl, she said yes, then later gave me the LJBF talk. I was devastated. I had a huge crush on this girl, a major case of one-itis. It was just a dance, but she had said yes. It was a huge rush, and then- hardly a week later, and after some idiotic romantic gestures (Danger Will Robinson!), she decided that I made a better friend than anything.

The majority of last year I spent in the friend zone of a girl I liked, which ended up badly- though I did get to see her titties!

A little about myself: I'm 18, almost 19; 5'8, 193 pounds (at the moment, I'll explain later), I'm not bad looking, although I have nearly no self-confidence, so I'm sure I'm better looking than I think. I am occasionally aware of eye contact by girls I consider good-looking. That's a good sign right? I go to a community college in the area, where plenty of girls pack the halls so to speak. Tons of a sets waiting to be opened, if I'm brave enough.

At the beginning of the summer I decided to lose weight, at 220 pounds, I was clearly overweight, and having no confidence in myself, I had no chance (in my mind) of attracting a girl. Three and a half months later, 30 pounds lighter, I am already feeling confidence in my newish body. I'm planning on losing another twenty or so.

I'm hoping that this medium will encourage me to approach more girls, and ultimately be more successful. I want to change, I want to be a better person, and I want to screw girls at the same time! Or even a girlfriend.

Thats all for now!

The Adventures of an AFC

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